Expanda documentation


Expanda is an integrated corpus-building environment. Expanda provides integrated pipelines for building a corpus dataset. Building corpus dataset requires several complicated pipelines such as parsing, shuffling, and tokenization. If the corpora are gathered from different applications, it would be a problem to parse various formats. Expanda helps to build corpus simply at once by setting build configuration.


  • nltk

  • ijson

  • tqdm>=4.46.0

  • mwparserfromhell>=0.5.4

  • tokenizers>=0.7.0

  • kss==1.3.1


With pip

Expanda can be installed using pip as follows:

$ pip install expanda

From source

You can install from source by cloning the repository and running:

$ git clone https://github.com/affjljoo3581/Expanda.git
$ cd Expanda
$ python setup.py install

Command-line Usage

You can use the features of Expanda in command-line.

Build Dataset

expanda build command builds corpus dataset through the given build configuration file. The detail is as follows:

usage: expanda build [-h] [config]

positional arguments:
  config      expanda configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Show Extension Detail

After installing extensions, you can check if the extensions are recognizable. Expanda loads extensions by importing corresponding modules. If certain extensions are installed in different virtual environment, Expanda cannot use the extensions. So before building the dataset, check whether the extensions are accessible or not. expanda show command shows the details of the given extension. The detail is as follows:

usage: expanda show [-h] extension

positional arguments:
  extension   module name of certain extension

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

List of Required Extensions

expanda list command shows a list of extensions defined in the given configuration. Namely, you can see which extensions are used in this dataset. The detail is as follows:

usage: expanda list [-h] [config]

positional arguments:
  config      expanda configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Build Configuration

Before building a corpus, you need to setup a build configuration in the workspace first. The configuration file follows INI format. Here is an example:

# extension configurations
# ...

subset-size         = 1000000000
vocab-size          = 32000
limit-alphabet      = 6000

unk-token           = <unk>
control-tokens      = <s>

input-files         =
    --my.extension.foo1    src/bar1.xml
    --my.extension.foo2    src/bar2.txt
    --my.extension.foo3    src/bar3.xml.bz2
balancing           = true
split-ratio         = 0.1

temporary-path      = tmp

output-vocab        = build/vocab.txt
output-train-corpus = build/corpus.train.txt
output-test-corpus  = build/corpus.test.txt
output-raw-corpus   = build/corpus.raw.txt

Basically, you need to configure two sections – tokenization and build. tokenization section contains arguments for tokenizing texts, described in expanda.tokenization. You can declare symbol names and define tokenization options. In build section, you can set input, output files and temporary directory. balancing determines whether to modify the amount of each corpus uniformly. Note that others like unk-token and control-tokens should be given.

If there is any pretrained vocabulary file for corpora, you can skip training tokenizer model by setting input-vocab in build section to the vocabulary file path. In this case, subset-size, vocab-size and limit-alphabet arguments in tokenization section would be ignored and, therefore, you don’t need to adjust the arguments in detail.

Perhaps extensions used for constructing the dataset would need their own options in extracting. You can configure the options in each section with the corresponding module name. See also expanda.extension.

After building the dataset, the workspace should be as below:

├── build
│     ├── corpus.raw.txt
│     ├── corpus.train.txt
│     ├── corpus.test.txt
│     └── vocab.txt
├── src
│     ├── bar1.xml
│     ├── bar2.txt
│     └── bar3.xml.bz2
└── expanda.cfg


Expanda contains pipeline modules for building corpus dataset. Some useful modules can be used in command-line independently.


Expanda provides basic extensions to help parsing corpus files. You can use the extensions without any additional installations.

Indices and tables